Sunday, August 3, 2008

OH3 #328 - Voted Off the Island Hash

Hold the Meat (Hash Flash) and Flamboyatron (Hash Scribe) were both in attendance, so there will be an official write up at this link, here. However, I did take a few pictures, and this particular Hash was a milestone event for me, so I am certainly blogging about it! Moreover, because this is not an official Hash Trash, I don't have to be snarky and sarcastic and witty, and can say what I really feel. Of course, what I really feel is generally snarky and sarcastic and witty, so we'll see how that goes. Yay!

This was my Virgin Hare. I co-hared with Penguin Pucker and Deep Frodo, and they were really great teammates. They were supportive and cooperative and easygoing and are both altogether awesome people that I am really glad to have as friends.

The co-founders of the Omaha chapter (Forrest Gimp and On Her Knees) showed up after a long hiatus, and without warning. This was extremely intimidating for me because it was my first time haring, but it was also a great honor. It was a good thing they were on hand to run the circle at the end, since almost all of the officers were indisposed for one reason or another by that time.

There was a naming - No Name Amber became Package Checker. She likes her name, even if a little less than half of the voting-eligible attendees hated it. I think it suits her just fine.

There was a named hasher in attendance who was completely true to her name when, without having ever been introduced to me before or conversing with me, and upon hearing that I was named on my first hash, she pointedly told her virgin right in front of me that "real hashers" get named on their sixth hash. I guess, then, I am not actually a "hasher through and through," regardless of what the song states - a song, incidentally, that we ended up singing 6 or 7 times in the circle since there were kids in the area and we were hard-pressed to think up PG songs to sing! We really need to beef up our song repertoire.

I want to apologize to the hash for not having more water in the bags. I actually added more than is usually in the bags, but apparently not enough to meet the need. As for the rest of the gripes... well, I received feedback that the trail was too long, that the trail could have been tougher (granted that was just a comment from the founders about the length of our trails compared to the trails in other hashes and it was a comment made before the hash began), that the trail was too shiggified, and that the trail was too pavement. I am just going to accept that I can't please all of the people all of the time, and call the experience a relative success. I did manage to stay under budget, and I consider that to be a major win and a testament to my Wonder Jew powers.

However, something that is not a win is the fact that I got pretty badly sunburned. I know that my sunburn is nothing compared to the ones most of the rest of the hashers get regularly, but I have always been really careful about sun exposure due to having had cancer and having gone through chemo. I did not use sunscreen yesterday though I brought it for everyone, and I recognize that I am a dumbass for that. I deserve all the discomfort, and the weird appearance of the tan line that shows with most of the clothing that I wear. Here's hoping that I don't suffer the lesson of melanoma as well.

Anyway, without further ado, I will give you the pics I snapped. Remember also that you can view the ones that Hold the Meat and other hashers have supplied when they are posted to, and you can view pics and videos I have taken from other hashes I've attended at

Me and Forrest Gimp and On Her Knees (the co-founders of the Omaha Hash).


Penguin Pucker (one of my co-hares).


Deep Frodo (the other co-hare). He had to log in at work because he was on call. I think he decided that if he were going to be busted for technology on trail, he might as well go all out.


The group is enjoying the A/C on a hot day.


It wasn't exactly a theme hash, but I appreciate Thanks for the Mammaries' spirit in dressing in a tropical shirt.


Our Hash Cash also seems to have gotten into the spirit. She done gone went and got lei'd.


I think I interrupted the reunion between Flambo and Hold the Meat.


Mammaries seems to have itchy feet and a desire to get moving.


1 comment:

Will said...

I'd like to add to the complaints.

1. The trail was too awesome.
2. The hares were too sexy.
3. There weren't any diapers for the trail babies.