Thursday, July 31, 2008

OH3 #327

Again, I am late with my write-up. I suck. I'll do a down-down for it or something.

#327 was Tico's Birthday Hash, and Dental DAMN!!'s naming hash (she was formerly No Name Amy), and I was only there from the circle on. I got some pics and videos, and they are all here. I don't have anything thoroughly brilliant to say (except wearing black jeans and a black linen shirt on a fucking hot day is a dumb idea), so I will just settle for linking you to the pics and videos.

News items:

1. I am haring this Saturday's hash. It will be my first hare. I am very excited. Check the calendar at for details. I hope to see you there!

2. Flamboyatron is back! I will turn the trash-writing duties back over to him, and only fill in as needed if he is unavailable and asks me to do so. He'll be snarkier and funnier than I am anyway.

I still intend to take some pics and maybe write a few words every now and then, so check back if you're interested!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

OH3 #326 - Red, White, and Blue Hash

Yeah, this is a little overdue. Sorry 'bout that.

We were asked to wear some combination of red, white and blue. Spring-loaded went all out with her outfit on a very hot day.

We chilled in the shade on the patio of the apartment beneath VW's. No name Jeff insisted that the apartment belonged to a close friend of his and that it would be okay. Who were we to argue?

It came time for the hashers to form up for the circle.

The group was composed largely of virgins...

Who were very soon singled out.

VW gave us the Chalk Talk. This would have been especially handy for the virgins if there had actually been a check at the start.

The hares were blessed and sent on their way.

Supergirl has the power of Juggling. Not only of many objects (as pictured below), but also of activities! She had to cut out early to go see her folks.

After the trail, and the circle, and the violations, and the viewing of Beerfest in the Thomasville movie theater, and the crock pot hot dogs, and the popcorn, and the smoking in non-smoking areas, and the spillage of beer, and Amber grabbing everyone's crotch and/or breasts in the swimming pool... those who remained enjoyed some beers and acoustic guitar playing on VW's balcony. It was a lovely night.

Urine Sodomy had a great time, as you can see below.